RIOT DAWN_Attack of the Space Druids Read online

Page 3

  “Riot, this is your team,” Axel said.

  Riot took a good look at the four. It was clear they were well trained. Their expressions all told her they were the type who took orders without question. Like good soldiers. It was a quality she took issue with.

  "Sergeant Carlos Diaz.” Axel presented the man who’d spoken up.

  “This ain’t my team,” she told Axel.

  “Okay,” Axel said. “I don’t know why this isn’t sinking in. Your team is—”

  “Dead, from my understanding,” Carlos interrupted. “And judging by what smells like a three day binge, I’d say you’re close to the same. You disgrace the uniform, Riot Dawn.”

  “That was a less tactful approach than I would have given it,” Axel told him.

  “Care to run that by me again?” Riot said, bowing up to Carlos.

  “You’re hearing gone bad, too? I said you’re a disgrace to the uniform.”

  “You see me wearing one?”

  Carlos looked at her metal arm. “What I see is a washed up and incomplete waste of taxpayer dollars who thinks she can come in here and lead me and my squad after she already lost her own.”

  Axel’s gaze dropped to Riot’s metal hand as she ground her metal fingers into the palm, causing sparks to flicker. “Okay,” he said. “Well, I’m glad you two met. Now if I may introduce you to the rest of the team. Maybe we can avoid trashing important See-SID property. Next up is—”

  “Let’s get one thing straight,” Riot said, stepping away from Carlos and walking the line of troops. “I was brought in to lead a team. If I had my choice, I sure wouldn’t have chosen the lot of you. Don’t take this the wrong way but I’m pretty good at recognizing soft. And there’s not a one of you— especially binge sniffing Diaz— that ain’t soft. Any of you seen any action that didn’t involve a drill instructor watching your every move?”

  The other three’s eyes darted to the ground.

  “What are you, fresh outta boot?” Disgusted with the soldiers in front of her, Riot turned to Axel. “You giving me babies to save the world with, Lynch?”

  “Every one of these Marines has test scores through the roof.”

  “Test scores?” Riot marched right up to Axel. “Test scores prove nothing.”

  “Their’s are better than any from the squads before.”

  “They’ve never seen a standard combat mission, much less the kind that See-SID deals with.”

  “Sergeant Diaz was involved in the Hell Egg fiasco in LA.”

  “One tour,” Riot said. “One. And it was a counter response backed by hundreds of others.” She turned back to Carlos. “How many kills you rack up?”

  “I don’t have to answer that. If it wasn’t for your screw up, we never would have needed to respond.”

  “And then how much experience would you have?”

  “That’s hardly a good retort,” Axel said under his breath.

  Riot glared at him. “I told you, I want my team.”

  He sighed. “They’re dead, Riot. Nothing is going to change that.”

  “Then find me a level seven operative who knows what’s going on,” Riot snarled.

  “I think I can be of some service in that,” an older man interjected.

  Axel stepped back, giving way to the older man. “Riot Dawn, this is Doctor Yujiro Nobu. Chief R&D supervisor.”

  “You have level seven clearance?” Riot asked.

  “I have clearance Alpha Black if that makes you feel better.”

  “I don’t even know what that is.”

  “Then, perhaps, former Sergeant, you should not be so hard on those with clearance five badges. And, Agent Lynch, perhaps you should look into a promotion. You’re going to need level seven to hear what’s next.”

  “What is next?” Axel asked.

  “If Riot wants her team then we should oblige. Though it will take some time.”

  Riot turned to Axel and smirked at him. His eyes narrowed and she could tell he was excited about learning something new about the See-SID.

  “Until then,” Nobu went on. “I would suggest properly acquainting yourself with your new team. Like it or not, they will be accompanying you on this mission.”

  “And I know the perfect way,” Carlos said just before launching himself at an unprepared Riot.

  Chapter 4

  One tour and high test scores or not, Axel knew that Carlos Diaz was not someone to be toyed with. That was a fact he was rapidly proving. The man was fast and his strikes were powerful. Even blocked, by her cyber arm, the Marine’s second kick sent Riot stumbling to her side, desperately trying to keep her feet under her. Of course, she wasn’t exactly in the most stable of conditions. She would never admit it but Axel could see that her drunkenness had caught up to her. Her defenses were sloppy against Carlos’s hits, and he could see she was a little dizzy. Still, there was something about her…

  Axel continued to watch as Riot was pushed back by her opponent. He’d read the files of Carlos and his people. They were an impressive team, with Carlos being the best of the bunch. But even drunk, Riot was staying on her feet. Axel had to admit that, as impressive as they were, Riot Dawn was even more-so. And she’d yet to go on offense.

  A knee rose to her gut, but Riot blocked it with her metal arm. In some ways it was an offensive maneuver. The collision of metal and bone forced Carlos back. There would be a bruise on his knee, for sure.

  “Like I said,” Riot said as she smiled. “Soft.”

  Face reddening at the insult, Carlos moved back in. But this time Riot met his foot sweep with her own shin. Her kick was harder and sent Carlos’s leg back.

  She pressed her own attack, launching jabs at the Marine. Her quick snaps popped him in the nose. Lucky for him, they weren’t hard enough to break it. Axel could see that she was just warming up and wanted to let him know who he was really dealing with.

  His arm swung around. She blocked it with her metal hand and drove her real fist under his chin. Carlos reeled backward. Her uppercut had his eyes spinning, and Axel wondered if the Marine was actually seeing stars.

  Riot pushed forward, side kicking him in the stomach. Carlos doubled over but remained on his feet. Axel had to give him some credit, the man was resilient. She brought her real hand down, aiming to chop him in the neck but the attack was stopped as he caught her wrist.

  Carlos smiled and drove his other fist into her stomach as he pulled her arm, using it as leverage to get her off her feet. He lifted Riot over his head and slammed her to her back on the floor. It was the first real hit Carlos had managed. But he wasn’t done.

  The size twelve standard issue boot began blocking out the light as it crashed toward her head. Riot rolled out of the way, avoiding the destructive blow. Then she spun her entire body, swinging her legs at Carlos’s. His stance was not solid and easily tripped. Still, he was more able than she’d given him credit for.

  Carlos dropped to the floor but Riot was not dumb enough to attempt what he had. Her foot crashed into his ribs then she lifted her foot, threatening to slam her heel down on him.

  “Stavros!” Carlos called out, blocking her foot as it swung down on him.

  Riot heard the footsteps first then glanced to see the next soldier sliding toward her, knee ready to slam into her face.

  Riot sat up, letting Stavros slide right by her then rolled backward to her feet.

  Carlos finally rose, holding his ribs. She wasn’t sure if they were broken or just bruised but she could tell that he did know he was out of the fight.

  Riot took in the site of her new opponent. Strands of the woman’s blonde hair peaked out from beneath her helmet. Despite the lack of combat missions, Stavros wore an uncommonly confident smile. Her hand slowly moved to her back where she pulled out a clear knife.

  Things had gone from a typical hazing to a life or death matter.

  “That’s enough!” Axel shouted.

  “Show her, Stavros!” Carlos yelled.

  Stavros flippe
d the knife, blade down, then rushed at Riot. It was an easy move to see through. Riot deflected the knife as it swung at her. The clear blade slid across the cyborg arm and immediately took on its metal properties.

  “How do you like the Alchemy Blade?” Stavros asked.

  Riot only smirked. It was an impressive piece of weaponry but it didn’t mean much to her. Just a piece of metal to avoid being stabbed by.

  Sparks flew off as the knife and the arm ground together, Stavros trying to cut Riot and Riot blocking the attempts.

  It occurred to Riot that these Marines had probably spent an uncommon amount of time training. Which told her that they were Special Operations Command. It did explain their higher than expected ability.

  Stavros was proving exceptionally fast as the knife sang past Riot’s face far more times than she was comfortable with. But it was time to end things and, SOC or not, Riot had been trained in a vastly different Marine discipline.

  The knife came straight at her but this time Riot grabbed it, her cyborg hand enclosing the blade with the vice grip of a machine.

  Stavros jerked her weapon but it didn’t budge. She punched at Riot but it was effortlessly blocked. Finally, in her frustration, Stavros grabbed the metal arm, trying to wrench it from her knife.

  “Razor activated,” a voice from the arm said.

  “No!” Riot yelled. “Override!”

  “Negative,’ the arm said.

  “Dammit!” Riot jerked the knife from Stavros and swung her arm away from the Marine.

  A panel from the back of her hand popped up and a single spinning blade shot out.

  The sharp projectile spun toward the group of scientists but the blue shimmer of a force field rose up from the floor, blocking the scientists from the spinning death dealer.

  The blade hit the barrier and bounced to the floor.

  Riot slammed the panel closed, preventing another projectile from escaping. She dropped the Alchemy Blade to the floor, breathing heavily.

  Stavros made a play for the knife, ready to continue the fight.

  “That’s enough!” Nobu shouted. “This is not the time or the place for childish antics. I do not care if you like each other or not. The fate of the world is at stake and you commit to elementary school bickering.”

  Lynch lifted his hands. “I’m not sure that was elementary school—”

  “You work for the Central Supernatural Intelligence Division, Agent Lynch. I expect better from you than to bring in someone as volatile as this one.” Nobu gestured toward Riot.

  “Hey, your ‘team’ started this. I just put an end to it.”

  “And nearly hit my researchers in the process.”

  “That wasn’t…” Riot held her tongue. It wasn’t her fault, exactly, but the defective arm was her responsibility. She looked at Axel. “You say you can fix this thing?”

  “We could replace it. Give you a better one.”

  Her eyes moved to Carlos. “The other two as good as she is?”

  “Close. Stavros is my best.”

  Suddenly, an alarm blared in the room.

  “What is that?” Riot asked.

  “It’s another one!” Nobu said, rushing to the computer.

  “Another what?” Riot asked.

  “Another Citadel has appeared,” Axel told her.

  Chapter 5

  Riot and Carlos rushed to the computer and stared at the screen. A dark tower rose from the ground in front of the camera. Purple colored etheric energy surrounded it as the land was parted, making room for the inter-dimensional structure.

  “So that’s a Space Druid Citadel, huh?” Riot asked.

  “Yes,” Axel said. “I know it looks like something from a fantasy movie. But I can tell you, it’s so much worse.”

  “What’s in it?”

  “Space Druids, I assume. But there’s really no telling. All we know is the readings they give off.”

  “The citadels are receivers,” Nobu interjected. “Much like a radio antenna or a satellite dish that picks up or transmits signals.”

  “Signals for what?” Carlos asked.

  “They receive the incoming energies from the point of origin then they disperse them throughout the Earth, readying the planet for more of their world.”

  “We’ve never seen more than one citadel appear at a time,” Axel said.

  “What would happen if there were two?” Riot asked.

  “Then, I imagine, the merger would occur faster,” Nobu told her. “The more receivers, the more of their world becomes ours.”

  “So it’s crucial that you destroy this thing before more show up,” Axel told her. He walked to a locker and opened it, revealing a Marine Corps Combat Utility Uniform identical to what the other soldiers wore.

  “You’re putting her in a Marine uniform?” Carlos asked, offended at the notion.

  “You’re putting your pride over the safety of the planet?” Axel shot back. “Besides, once a Marine, always a Marine, right?”

  Riot hurried to the locker and pulled out the clothes. “Oohrah,” she said, quietly.

  There was no shyness or modesty from Riot as she disrobed, unconcerned about anyone who might have been looking her way. And though the other Marines in the room had little respect for her, they were still soldiers and let that guide their eyes to look away from the naked woman. Axel, on the other hand, stole a glance.

  As amazing as she looked in her tight fitted jeans, Riot Dawn was a total stunner outside of them. Her years outside of the military had done little to negate her toned figure.

  “Take it all in, Lynch,” she said, not even looking at the CSID agent. “If we fail at this, it might be your last chance.”

  Axel spun around, embarrassed at being caught. “Um…” he stuttered. “Then the plan will be to fly you all to the area where you will—”

  “Infiltrate and eradicate,” Riot said.

  He heard her zip up her trousers then the fabric rustled as she put on the blouse of her MCCUU. “Fairly cut-n-dry op,” she went on. “Anything special we need to be aware of?”

  “Like I said, the other teams succeeded but none of them made it back,” Axel told her, speaking over his shoulder.

  “We have no idea what is inside of the towers,” Nobu said, still staring at the screen. “It could be nothing. It could be full of more Druids or perhaps it acts as a gate to their world. You will be going in blind.”

  “You can turn around now,” Riot said.

  Axel turned back to her as Riot finally zipped up the top of her fatigues. A small smile formed on her lips. The fit was perfect. She wouldn’t say it out loud but he saw by her expression that it felt good to be wearing the colors again. Apparently, there was just one change she had to make.

  She pulled the combat knife out of the locker and cut a hole in the shirt just at the shoulder. With that done she used her hand to rip off the sleeve covering her metal arm.

  Carlos glared at her. Axel assumed the man’s fresh anger was for Riot defacing the uniform.

  “Look, assuming I get this thing working right,” she said lifting her cyber arm. “It needs to be free to work. Trust me, I don’t like it any more than you do.”

  “You have approximately ten hours to get inside, set the charges and blow that thing to rubble,” Axel told her.

  “Why ten hours?”

  “Because that’s when things start coming out of it,” Nobu said.

  “You said you didn’t know what was in it,” Carlos said, looking from Nobu to Axel.

  “We don’t,” Axel explained. “Of those citadels that have appeared, only one has had anything exit from it. That wasn’t a good day and we’d prefer no repeat performances.”

  Riot held her metal arm up again, forming the thumb and index finger into an L shape. “Time,” she said to no effect. “Give me the damn clock,” she said with more agitation. Finally a holographic image of the time appeared in the space between the fingers. “Set for ten hours.” The clock numbers initiated a cou

  “You trust that thing?” Carlos asked.

  “As long as I can still make a fist, yeah, I trust it.”

  “Save your bickering for after you succeed,” Nobu said. “And set that clock for seven hours.”

  “Seven?” Axel was shocked. “It’s always been ten.”

  Nobu opened his hands. “We have yet to see a citadel appear so soon after another. Normally they have been weeks apart. But the last one appeared only last week. Six days ago to be precise. It is possible this could be a one-off event. Or they have sped up merging from wherever they are coming from.”

  “Then I guess we’d better hurry,” Carlos said.

  “For once, we agree,” Riot replied as she changed the time on her arm’s clock. “What is our destination?”

  “Russia, Georgian border,” Nobu said.

  “Can we make it there in seven hours?” Stavros asked.

  “We would have to make it there in five,” Carlos added.

  “I’m sure the See-SID can get us there in time,” Riot told them. “That’s not my worry.”

  “You are correct, Miss Dawn,” Nobu said.

  “What’s she talking about?” Carlos asked.

  “For a Marine, you’re not real up to date on world events, are you?” Riot asked.

  “I follow orders. I don’t worry about what I don’t need to know.”

  “This is need to know. The tower is on the Russia, Georgian border. Not only is that its own problem for us since we’re not citizens or soldiers of those countries. But it’s also smack in the middle of their latest conflict. That means we gotta get in the tower in the middle of a war zone, blow the thing and get out without causing an international incident.”

  Chapter 6

  Very little could be heard over the roar of the wind outside of the plane, so Riot took the opportunity to take a good look at and to study her new team. Axel stood between the soldiers and the pilot. Riot sat on one side of the aircraft while Carlos sat with his people on the other. It was clear that they still had certain things to work out. Riot was fine with it. If nothing else, it made it clear to her who was leading the team. The markings on Carlos’s sleeve indicated his rank. It was the same as hers when she was still in the service. She had little doubt that had not been a point of contention for him. No one liked following the orders of anyone who stood on equal footing as themselves. Only, in this case, it must have been worse since she wasn’t officially a Marine anymore. He was going to have to take orders from a civilian. Or, under the circumstance, take them from a mercenary.